{"id":1252,"date":"2020-09-23T10:16:03","date_gmt":"2020-09-23T10:16:03","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/tenaturcinovic.com\/?page_id=1252"},"modified":"2020-11-02T13:07:31","modified_gmt":"2020-11-02T13:07:31","slug":"terms-conditions","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/tenaturcinovic.com\/terms-conditions\/","title":{"rendered":"Terms & Conditions"},"content":{"rendered":"

Terms of Use<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Please read the following text before using our website.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Information on this web site should not be considered as a substitute for professional, legal or financial advice.<\/p>\n

TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 and the persons responsible for maintaining this website as well as the director, employees and representatives of TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106, consider that all information contained on this website is accurate. However, there is no guarantee of the accuracy or reliability of the information provided here and TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 acknowledges no liability for any direct or indirect loss or damage caused to users by relying on anything stated or excluded from the web site TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106.<\/p>\n

TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106<\/strong><\/p>\n

The whole content available on the website TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 is protected by the copyright. Except for permitted use, TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 site visitors are granted permission to download and export copyrighted material only for private purposes. For the reproduction or use of copyrighted material for other purposes, permission must be requested directly from TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106. If permission is granted, it must be subject to the requirement that the copyright owner\u2019s name and his interest in the material be stated when reproducing or quoting the material, any part or all of it.
\nOfficial website of TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 is tenaturcinovic.com (furthermore in the Privacy Statement \u201cWe\u201d, \u201cus\u201d and \u201cour\u201d will be used for TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106). Using this site, you agree to the Internet privacy policy of our website (furthermore: \u201cWebsite\u201d), which is listed below. Privacy Policy refers to the collection and use of personal information that you may provide to us by visiting and using our web site.
\nWe reserve the right, at any time and at your discretion, to alter or remove parts of this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy is an addition to all other applicable laws and conditions applicable to our website. Also, we do not forbid a third-party website to be linked to our website.
\nWe recognize the importance of protecting the privacy of information collected on our website visitors, in particular information that can be used to identify an individual\u2019s identity (\u201cpersonal information\u201d). This Privacy Policy determines how your personal information will be managed on the website. This Privacy Policy is periodically reviewed to be notified of any changes. We will gladly accept your comments and feedback.<\/p>\n

Personal data<\/strong><\/p>\n

Personal information about our website visitors is collected only when they are conscientiously and voluntarily submitted. For example, we may need this information to provide you with additional services or to respond to any requests or queries. Our intention is to protect your personal data with this Privacy Policy from using them in any other way that does not comply with the applicable privacy laws in the Republic of Croatia.<\/p>\n

Use of data<\/strong><\/p>\n

Personal information that visitors submit to our website is used only for the purpose for which they were given. Copies of consent sent from Website that may contain personal data are stored in the archive of records or for the purpose of additional data storage.<\/p>\n

Detection of data<\/strong><\/p>\n

Except in case when you have agreed to it or in the event that the disclosure of the data is necessary for the purpose for which it is submitted, personal data may be disclosed in special situations where we have reasons to believe that this is necessary for identification, contact or court proceedings against anyone who destroys, violates or intentionally or unintentionally interfere with our rights or property, users or anyone who may be harmed by such acts. Also, we can reveal personal information if we reasonably believe that the law requires disclosure of the same.<\/p>\n


We strive to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of the personal information left on our website and we are reviewing and updating security measures in line with the new technologies.
\nUnfortunately, no data transfer over the Internet can be guaranteed with complete security.
\nHowever, we will endeavour to take all the necessary steps to protect the personal information you provide us with. From the moment we get your data, we will do our best to ensure their security in our system.
\nOur employees and contractors who provide services to us regarding our data systems are bound to respect the confidentiality of any personal information we hold. However, we will not be responsible for any events that occur due to the unauthorized access to your personal information.<\/p>\n


\u201cCookies\u201d are data collected from a website and transferred to an individual\u2019s hard drive for the purpose of keeping records. Cookies, the industry standard and used by most websites, including those we use, can ease the user\u2019s continuous access and website search. They allow us to tailor the web site to your needs. If you do not want your data to be collected through cookies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows you to accept or reject the option to use cookies. But you should know that your cookies may be necessary to provide you with some features of our on-line services.
\nLike many web site operators, we use the services of an independent private person that measures and analyses the use of the Internet through our web site. We use these services in order to collect the key information about the use of our website, which includes the following:<\/p>\n

\u25cf The number of visits to our website
\n\u25cf The number of unique website visitors
\n\u25cf How much time these unique visitors spend on our website when visiting
\n\u25cf The usual entry and exit points from our website.
\nCookies are used for various purposes, such as:
\n\u25cf Cookies remember your login information so you do not have to re-enter them,
\n\u25cf Cookies remember which offers you put on your checklist,
\n\u25cf Helping us track most visited sections of our website,
\n\u25cf Give us and third parties insight into what content you have seen and what you are interested in to give you a better experience.<\/p>\n

TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 website can use the following types of cookies:<\/p>\n

\u25cf Essential cookies that ensure proper website work,
\n\u25cf Analytical cookies that allow website usage monitoring,
\n\u25cf Sharing cookies \u2013 cookies for possible sharing of content from the website to social networks
\n\u25cf Advertising cookies \u2013 cookies for displaying targeted ads and content.<\/p>\n

Essential cookies or cookies that ensure the proper website functioning, TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 can use for:<\/p>\n

\u25cf Tracking login information,
\n\u25cf Transferring data between sections of the website,
\n\u25cf Save preferences such as what part of the page you are using, what content you are viewing, language, location, etc.
\n\u25cf Saving settings for optimal website view,
\n\u25cf Saving settings for optimal viewing of any video content,
\n\u25cf Reading browser settings for optimally display of video content and website,
\n\u25cf Optimizing the website in real time.<\/p>\n

Cookies for sharing content from a website to social networks are allowing:<\/p>\n

\u25cf Social network users to directly share their content from our website to social networks
\n\u25cf Social networks can collect personal information for a variety of purposes, but TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 has no impact on how social networks will use your personal information.<\/p>\n

Third party cookies on our site may try to find out what your interests are and this information can be used to offer you content or ads that may be of your interest.
\nWhen you use a web browser to access the services, you can configure the browser by accepting or rejecting all cookies or to notify you when the cookie is sent. Each browser is different, so by searching \u201cHelp\u201d menu in your browser you can find out how to change the cookie settings. Your device\u2019s operating system may contain additional cookie controls.
\nHowever, keep in mind that some services may be designed to work with cookies and that disabling cookies may affect your ability to use these services or certain parts of the service.<\/p>\n

Data access<\/strong><\/p>\n

We\u2019ll do our best to take all the necessary steps to ensure the safety of your data. Also we\u2019ll try to keep this given data accurate and up-to-date. You can contact us at any time about the incorrect data that we hold about you and we will correct the information immediately.
\nOur employees and contractors who provide services to us regarding our data systems are bound to respect the confidentiality of any personal information we hold.<\/p>\n

Links to other sites<\/strong><\/p>\n

Our website has links to other websites. These websites are not under our control so we are not responsible for the behaviour of companies linked to our website. We advise you to read the terms and conditions of using other website, as well as its privacy policy before submitting any personal data.<\/p>\n

Problems and questions<\/strong><\/p>\n

If we recognize the existence of any problems or other important issues related to our website, we will take those issues seriously and work to resolve them. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding our privacy policy or if you have a problem or complaint.<\/p>\n


Privacy Policy<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Tena Tur\u010dinovi\u0107<\/p>\n


Adoption refers to all personal information provided by TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 can be collected in certain situations when you visit a website, order newsletters, social networking, contacts in the context of business co-operation, interaction with TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106\u00a0 as a business user, supplier, employer, employee, business partner, and the like. This includes, inter alia, personal information collected on or off the Internet.<\/p>\n


For the purpose of exercising the right to protection of personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016\/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data) data and the free movement of such data and exclusions from Directive 95\/46\/EC, we also require your consent to use your personal information.<\/p>\n


Carefully read this document to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of your use of the TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 Personal Information as a Personal Data Manager.<\/strong><\/p>\n


Purpose of collecting personal data<\/strong><\/p>\n


In contacts with you, we may ask you to share your personal information with us for the following purposes:<\/strong><\/p>\n


  • Receive information on services and news from TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 (Newsletter)<\/li>\n
  • Participating in the web activities of TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 on the Internet, including our channels\/social network sites and blogs<\/li>\n
  • Save your data for future interaction and communication with TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106<\/li>\n
  • Assistance in developing services and designing campaigns tailored to you and continually improving them<\/li>\n
  • Help improve our services and enable TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 to inform you regularly about them<\/li>\n
  • Solving customer and\/or service issues<\/li>\n
  • Receive customized messages, special offers, and promotional content in accordance with your interests, based on the information you\u2019ve shared with us, as well as on the information we collect through cookies or similar techniques regarding your use of TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 website\/social network pages\/blog.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


    In business with TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106\u00a0 as a business client, supplier or business partner, we will ask you to share your personal information with us for the following purposes:<\/strong><\/p>\n


    • Managing Customer Relationships<\/li>\n
    • Provide access to information<\/li>\n
    • Employment<\/li>\n
    • Communication<\/li>\n
    • Analysis and understanding of interaction with clients<\/li>\n
    • Answering questions or solving requests for service<\/li>\n
    • Offer a satisfaction survey after you receive an answer to your question or after your request is resolved<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


      In general, we only process your personal information for the purposes for which we have notified you.<\/p>\n


      Personal data\/information which TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106\u00a0 can collect<\/strong><\/p>\n


      When interacting with TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 via e-mail, web, or social networks (for example, if you check that you like TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 on Facebook or Instagram), we can request or receive specific information such as:<\/strong><\/p>\n


      • Name and surname<\/li>\n
      • Email address<\/li>\n
      • Phone number<\/li>\n
      • The information contained in the biography<\/li>\n
      • Social network profile<\/li>\n
      • Information about interests and preferences<\/li>\n
      • Other information about your online behaviour.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


        Also, through cookies or similar techniques, we may collect personal information, including, but not be limited to, the following:<\/strong><\/p>\n


        • IP address<\/li>\n
        • Cookie ID<\/li>\n
        • Internet browser you are using.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


          When with TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 communicate as a business client, supplier or business partner, we can collect the following information:<\/strong><\/p>\n


          • Name and surname<\/li>\n
          • Email address<\/li>\n
          • Phone number<\/li>\n
          • Business address<\/li>\n
          • The name and address of the company you are working for<\/li>\n
          • Personal details that may be relevant to your business relationship, e.g. your professional experience, etc.<\/li>\n
          • Methods of collecting personal data<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


            Personal information with TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 you can divide through (not limited to):<\/strong><\/p>\n


            • Communication with TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 (may be related to the service, through the inquiry or request you have sent us)<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


              • Communication with some of the employees of TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 by e-mail, by telephone or by written or oral means<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


                • Ordering services<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


                  • Participating in social networking activities related to the promotion of TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 (e.g. by choosing \u201cI like\u201d or \u201cshare\u201d options)<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


                    • Request to receive messages on your mobile phone\/device<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


                      • By subscribing to the TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 Newsletter<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


                        • Voluntary participation in surveys<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


                          • Cookies placed on your computer or mobile device when visiting our website<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


                            • Social Network Monitoring: TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 can search relevant and publicly available content on the Internet and use it to improve its services, resolve client requests, and deliver targeted marketing content.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


                              When you communicate with TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 as a business user, supplier or business partner, a potential employee, and similar data collection is done through:<\/strong><\/p>\n


                              • Agreement on cooperation and\/or employment contract<\/li>\n
                              • Providing services to TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106<\/li>\n
                              • Communication with TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106<\/li>\n
                              • Develop partnerships<\/li>\n
                              • When accessing the business premises of TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106<\/li>\n
                              • Participating in fairs, events or promotions<\/li>\n
                              • Voluntary participation in surveys<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n


                                If you do not want TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 uses personal information that you have not provided yourself, you can contact us at any time at the following e-mail address: tenaturcinovic@gmail.com<\/p>\n


                                Sharing personal information with others<\/strong><\/p>\n


                                We may share your personal information with service providers, business partners and other third parties, in accordance with applicable law.<\/strong><\/p>\n


                                When with TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 communicate as a business user, supplier or business partner, TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 may disclose the personal information available in the reports and other materials provided to you and\/or your company for the purpose of co-operation with another business partner and\/or supplier.<\/p>\n


                                If our law requires you to obtain your consent or for any other reason we feel that your consent is required under certain circumstances, we will ask you before sharing your personal information.<\/p>\n


                                Once you have given us your personal information, we can update, modify or request their deletion by email: tenaturcinovic@gmail.com. Through the same address, you can also ask other privacy concerns or expose your privacy claims.<\/p>\n


                                In the commercial messages that are sent to you, you will have the option to unsubscribe from the list of recipients.<\/p>\n


                                The options you have<\/strong><\/p>\n


                                We want to get to know so we can provide better service while respecting your choice in terms of the way we use your personal information.<\/p>\n


                                1. Approval<\/strong><\/li>\n<\/ol>\n


                                  You may be required to collect your data and use it to give your consent.<\/p>\n


                                  1. Right to Delete<\/strong><\/li>\n<\/ol>\n


                                    You may request to delete all of your personal information for which you have previously given consent to use.<\/p>\n


                                    1. Data portability<\/strong><\/li>\n<\/ol>\n


                                      You have the ability to transfer your personal information from one electronic processing system to another without preventing the data controller.<\/p>\n


                                      1. Revocation of consent<\/strong><\/li>\n<\/ol>\n


                                        Your right to give up, in whole or in part, without consequences and explanation, may be waived from the due date and request termination of the processing of your personal information and marketing activities directed towards you. You can file a recall by e-mail at tenaturcinovic@gmail.com .<\/p>\n


                                        1. The right to limit the processing of data<\/strong><\/li>\n<\/ol>\n


                                          The respondent has the right of the processing manager to obtain a processing limit if:<\/p>\n


                                          • The respondent disputes the accuracy of the personal data, in the period during which the processing manager can check the accuracy of the personal data;<\/li>\n
                                          • Processing is illegal and the respondent is opposed to the deletion of personal data and instead asks for limitation of their use;<\/li>\n
                                          • The processing manager no longer needs personal data for processing purposes but is questioned by the respondent for the purpose of establishing, achieving or defending the legal requirements;<\/li>\n
                                          • The respondent has filed a complaint on processing pursuant to Article 21 para. 1 of the Personal Data Protection Act, expecting confirmation that the legitimate reasons of the respondent\u2019s reasoning manager exceed.<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n




                                            Social networks<\/strong><\/p>\n


                                            If you are a member of various social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and so on, you should be familiar with the tools provided by these sites and by choosing how to share personal information on social network profiles.<\/p>\n


                                            Additionally, depending on the selection associated with settings on various social networks, certain personal information may be shared with TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106; for example, information about your online activities, social network profiles (such as interests, marital status, gender, username, photos, comments and content that you have posted\/shared, etc.).<\/p>\n


                                            Links to other websites<\/strong><\/p>\n


                                            The website of the TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106, you can find links to other Websites with useful information. Such websites may operate independently of TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 and you can have your own privacy, statement, or policy notifications. We strongly encourage you to review them to find out how your personal information may be processed with these sites because we are not responsible for the content of the site that does not own or is not managed by TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106, nor for the use or privacy practices of the same.<\/p>\n


                                            Please note that we accept and seriously understand our responsibility for the protection of personal information that you entrust us from loss, abuse, or unauthorized access.<\/p>\n


                                            For all further information please contact us via tenaturcinovic@gmail.com .<\/p>\n


                                            ABOUT US<\/strong><\/p>\n


                                            TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106<\/p>\n

                                            E-mail: tenaturcinovic@gmail.com.<\/p>\n


                                            Terms of Use Please read the following text before using our website. Information on this web site should not be considered as a substitute for professional, legal or financial advice. TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106 and the persons responsible for maintaining this website as well as the director, employees and representatives of TENA TUR\u010cINOVI\u0106, consider that all information […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":2,"featured_media":0,"parent":0,"menu_order":10,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","template":"","meta":{"footnotes":""},"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/tenaturcinovic.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages\/1252"}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/tenaturcinovic.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/tenaturcinovic.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/page"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/tenaturcinovic.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/2"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/tenaturcinovic.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=1252"}],"version-history":[{"count":4,"href":"https:\/\/tenaturcinovic.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages\/1252\/revisions"}],"predecessor-version":[{"id":1273,"href":"https:\/\/tenaturcinovic.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages\/1252\/revisions\/1273"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/tenaturcinovic.com\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=1252"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}